Daniel Embracing Different Mindset in Being a UK Football Player


(Jeff Houchin Photo)


It’s hard to find a player who is more honest and real with the media than Kentucky senior linebacker Kash Daniel.

I can still remember his senior year at Paintsville when we had him join us on WLAP Sunday Morning Sports and he did the show from the car wash where he was working.

He’s been a great interview his first three years at UK and no doubt will be again this season when he will clearly be a team leader on and of the field — as well as a needed playmaker at linebacker.

Daniel admits he has a different perspective on a lot of things now than when he got to UK.

“Coming in I was just focused on just trying to get out there and play and not really worry about what comes with being a football player,” said Daniel.

This next part might surprise you because it did me when he said it.

“I never really cared if people wanted my autograph. I just wanted to play football,” Daniel said. “If fans come to me now and want me sign an autograph or take a picture, I do it every single time. If I can put a smile on somebody’s face or make their day or make them feel better, than I will do it.”

It’s still hard for me to imagine the personable Daniel not caring what fans thought because he’s always been so good with fans. But I totally admire his willingness to even admit that. Not many players would.

“Just because I am playing at Kentucky or people see my on TV or Twitter, I am not too good to shake hands or take pictures,” Daniel said. “A lot of people that are athletes kind of get ahead and have success and don’t know how to handle it.

“For me as a player, I am just trying to give back as much love as people show me. With the support from the fans, my personality and confidence would never have grown to where it is now.”

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